Branding and promoting sexual consent amongst college students at Ferris State University.
Project Includes:

Creating a promotional campaign with messaging and imagery that was inclusive, accurate, and helpful about a normally sensitive and awkward topic.
Project Limitations:
• Nine week timeline
• Four person team
My Role:
• Designer
• Copywriter
• Main communication channel
A musically-driven campaign using songs people already know and listen to.

The Anti-Violence Alliance (or AVA) is an organization on Ferris State University’s campus that focuses on raising awareness and providing education and training to prevent sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking from occurring and creating a cultural change on campus.
The AVA had a few requirements for the campaign:

The team and I began by researching all seven terms, understanding what they were teaching about consent and how each term stood for different things to remember when asking for and giving consent. After a few rounds of iteration and prototyping, we designed Don’t Skip Consent.
Brand Identity

Don’t Skip Consent teaches students about the importance of consent; it shouldn’t be a taboo topic and can be discussed peer to peer just like anything else. To highlight this piece, we focused on songs that students already know and listen to. It calls out lyrics that are a particularly good or bad example of consent and focused on each of the seven aspects.
The campaign consisted of postings around campus, digital displays, and branded touchpoints for AVA to give out during events. I also created an AVA branded Spotify account and playlist with songs that were good examples of consent, and the QR code was present on multiple touchpoints.

I developed two sets of postings were developed: the larger for hanging around campus and the smaller for Ferris faculty mailboxes. All images and copy were carefully chosen to be inclusive and diverse, depicting different people that everyone in the Ferris community could relate with.
Event Display
To kick-off the campaign, a display piece was designed and produced by the entire team to be re-used at events around campus.

I created the above handouts and name tags, both utilized at Don't Skip Consent events. The handout gives a direct link to more information and the Spotify playlist, while the name tags are placed in reusable badges and help identity the members of AVA.